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[fa icon="calendar"] Mar 2, 2017 11:00:00 AM / by Andrew Wells

Andrew Wells

A new market report was released that provides key statistics and information about the rapidly growing warehouse robotics industry. Warehouses in e-commerce are the leading drivers for the market, which is forecast to increase at 11.8% CAGR and will grow to $4.4 Billion dollars by 2022. 

The report states:

"The key driving factors for the growth of the warehouse robotics market are the growing e-commerce industry, need for enhanced quality and reliability in warehouse operations, active funding from venture capitalists for startup robotics companies, increasing adoption of warehouse robotics by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)."

The e-commerce industry is expected to hold the largest share of the overall warehouse robotics market in 2017. IAM Robotics is uniquely positioned as a catalyst in the market to foster the adoption of this technology. With high barriers to entry, the top-talent at IAM Robotics has established a winning solution ready to meet the demand for automation in e-commerce, pharmaceuticals and other key market segments identified in the report. 

IAM Robotics CEO - Tom Galluzzo says "The launch of our Swift mobile material handling robot in 2016 was a great milestone for warehouse automation technology. With the success of our pilots and partnerships forming with new customers for exciting applications, 2017 is poised to be a breakthrough year." 

IAM Robtoics offers customized solutions for process automation with our Swift robot, utilizing proprietary 3D Vision Software to pick products and move materials. Our SwiftLink Server communicates with any WMS and controls the Swift robots. SwiftLink Viewer enables customers to configure robots, command tasks, track performance, verify inventory, and optimize stock placement.

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To take a closer look a the new market report please click here